Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Topology Related Dgn2Sdo Parameters

OUT_TOPO_NAME=<topology name>: Name of the topology to be created.

OUT_TOPO_TABLE=<topology feature table name>: Name of the topology feature table to be created.

OUT_TOPO_COL=<TopologyColumName>: The SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY column name, defaults to "FEATURE".

OUT_TOPO_TOL=<TopologyTolerance>: The tolerance for the topology, defaults to 0.000000050.

OUT_DIGITS_RIGHT_OF_DECIMAL=<value to use>: Override the number of digits permitted to the right of the decimal point in the expression of any coordinate position when features are added to an existing topology. Used in the generated call to SDO_TOPO.CREATE_TOPOLOGY.

-? or -h or -help: Prints this list.